Young people’s experiences of Social Recovery Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and treatment as usual in the PRODIGY trial

Full Article Brioney Gee, Caitlin Notley, Rory Byrne, Tim Clarke, Jo Hodgekins, Paul French, and David Fowler   Abstract Aim The PRODIGY trial is an ongoing randomized controlled trial of Social Recovery Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (SRCBT), a new intervention designed to improve social functioning in young people at risk of long‐term social disability due to severe and complex mental health problems. The aim of this qualitative sub‐study was to understand trial participants’ experiences of SRCBT...

Prevention and treatment of long-term social disability amongst young people with emerging severe mental illness with social recovery therapy (The PRODIGY Trial): Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Full Article David Fowler, Paul French, Robin Banerjee, Garry Barton, Clio Berry, Rory Byrne, Timothy Clarke, Rick Fraser, Brioney Gee, Kathryn Greenwood, Caitlin Notley, Sophie Parker, Lee Shepstone, Jon Wilson, Alison R. Yung and Joanne Hodgekins   Abstract Background Young people who have social disability associated with severe and complex mental health problems are an important group in need of early intervention. Their problems often date back to childhood and become chronic at an early...

Participant views on involvement in a trial of social recovery cognitive-behavioural therapy

Full Article Caitlin Notley, Rose Christopher, Joanne Hodgekins, Rory Byrne, Paul French and David Fowler   Abstract Background The PRODIGY trial (Prevention of long term social disability amongst young people with emerging psychological difficulties, ISRCTN47998710) is a pilot trial of social recovery cognitive–behavioural therapy (SRCBT).   Aims The PRODIGY qualitative substudy aimed to (a) explore individual experiences of participating in the pilot randomised, controlled trial (recruitment, randomisation, assessment) and initial views of therapy, and (b) to explore perceived...